Midwest LSA Expo Renewed in Sept.

October 13th, 2014 | News

For the past 6 years there has been an event in Mt. Vernon IL, the Midwest LSA Expo, (http://www.midwestlsashow.com/), which takes place in early Sept. The organizer of the event is Chris Collins, the Mt. Vernon Airport Manager.  If you’ve ever met Chris, you can’t help but like him,... read more...

Another New member: Van’s Aircraft, Inc.

August 27th, 2014 | News

If you haven’t heard of Van’s Aircraft,  you haven’t been flying or involved with kit aviation for very long.  The prolific kit manufacturer, based in Aurora, OR has stepped into the world of  Special Light Sport Aircraft with the Van’s RV12 design. ( www.vansaircraft.com ). The 2-seat  all metal,... read more...

Sport Flying USA Inc. is a new member.

August 27th, 2014 | News

BRM Aero ( BRMaero.com ), manufacturer of the beautiful low wing Bristell LSA has teamed up with Sport Flying USA, Inc. in Lititz, PA. The company, based at the Lancaster, PA airport will be doing the assembly of the Bristell Experimental model. Lou Mancuso and his team have been... read more...

Welcome, new Member: MVP Aero

August 18th, 2014 | News

MVP Aero, Minneapolis, MN ( http://www.mvp.aero/ ) is a new LAMA Member. The company is in design development for their amphibious aircraft model3.  MVP Aero exhibited at AirVenture in the 10th Anniversary of Light Sport Mall, and created quite a crowd everyday.  The design team behind the airplane, and... read more...

Yuneec (Greenwing International) Renewed.

August 18th, 2014 | News

Thanks to Greenwing International, Uplands, California  ( http://greenwing.aero/ ) for renewing your LAMA Membership. Greenwing is a leading general aviation company focused entirely on clean, efficient, affordable electric flight. Their models include the eSpyder and the e430. As they say on their website:  The era of electric flying has... read more...

LAMA President’s Award 2014 Dual Winners

August 18th, 2014 | News

Laura Vaughn, Sun n Fun Event Director and Roy Beisweinger, Powered Sport Flying Magazine, were the tied for first place winners of the LAMA President’s Award for 2014, read more...

Aerotrek Aircraft, Arion Aircraft and Just Aircraft Renewed

July 23rd, 2014 | News

Wow, I go away for a week, and when I get back to the office there is money waiting. Love it when that happens. Thanks to Rob Rollison at Aerotrek (http://www.aerotrek.aero/), Bloomfield Indiana for sending your renewal. What a great priced airplane line up, including the A220 A240 and... read more...

AirVenture 2014 EAA 10 Year LSA Anniversary Celebration

July 23rd, 2014 | News


4 Renewals and AirVenture Agenda

July 23rd, 2014 | News

It’s been a good month for support this July 2014. I am going to announce each one in their own post, but I just wanted to ask those of you who have not joined or renewed your LAMA membership in the past year to please consider doing so.  AirVenture... read more...

Progressive Aerodyne Renewed today.

July 7th, 2014 | News

Progressive Aerodyne, Tavares Florida manufacturer of the SeaRey Amphibious LSA and kit aircraft, renewed their LAMA membership today.  Adam Yang and all of the rest of the team at Progressive Aerodyne (http://www.searey.com/) have been LAMA members and participants in the LSA Malls since 2008.  At Sun n Fun 2014... read more...