The SeaRey, what a fun airplane. Manufactured in Tavares FL, Progressive Aerodyne ( is one of the leaders in kit built and factory built amphibious light sport aircraft. LAMA has appreciated the support Progressive Aerodyne has shown, since 2008. Thank you Adam Yang, President of Progressive Aerodyne, and thanks... read more...
SportAir USA LC, (, based in North Little Rock AR, just renewed their LAMA Membership. Bill Canino, President of SportAir has been a supporter since 2007, and has participated in many meetings and panels regarding Light Sport and kit aircraft. His business not only sells airplanes, but he is... read more...
This airplane, the CGS Hawk, created by Chuck Slygarcyk, has been around since Chuck was a little kid, when he designed it. A few years ago the rights to the airplane were sold to Danny Dezauche, in Grand Bay AL. the company is still called CGS Aviation ( Danny... read more...
I know alot of journalists. I am aware of many aviation publications catering to all sorts of flying. Trade a Plane, Crossville TN,( is the Grandaddy of them all. What a nice bunch of folks, too. TAP has supported LAMA since 2008, and we really appreciate the job they... read more...
What can be said about Phil Lockwood and his team at Lockwood Aviation Supply, Sebring FL., except THANKS for supporting LAMA, not only by being on the Board of Directors (Phil has been on the BoD for several years), but also supporting monetarily. Lockwood Supply is THE place to... read more...
Gee, it has been a while since I’ve posted anything here. Where does the time go? So, now I want to give a long overdue THANK YOU to the companies that are supporting LAMA in 2015. I’ll start with a NEW member, Liaoning General Aviation Academy, Shenyang Aerospace University,... read more...
March 2015 Hello LAMA Members, present and past, and LSA Professionals: ABOUT THIS NEWSLETTER LAMA is introducing a new communications plan! On a periodic basis, we will be sending an eNewsletter to all current LAMA members (thanks for your loyal support!), all previous LAMA members, and a wide... read more...
The new crew in front of Paradise Aviation , Sebring FL contacted LAMA today to come back into the LAMA organization as members. USA Website details are being worked on, but the Brazilian website ( shows off the designs available from the company at this time. We wish Paradise... read more...
One of the most interesting teams in the LSA arena in the USA is Hansen Air Group, Kennesaw Georgia. Lead by veteran airline captains and twin brothers, Ron and Jon Hansen, this family run business has an interesting and varied history. Ron and Jon are ably assisted by Mitch... read more...
Eric Giles is President and CEO of Paris, TN based World Aircraft Company, WAC. ( The company manufactures several models of Light Aircraft, including the Spirit, the Vision, the Surveyor, and the Freedom. The company has been a LAMA member since 2006. Thank you, World Aircraft Company for your... read more...