Welcome Colyaer Light Aircraft

March 24th, 2014 | News

LAMA has a new member, Colyaer Light Aircraft, from Pontevedra, Spain. The Colyaer Freedom S-100 is the Amphibious version, and is certified S-LSA.  Here is a link to the Colyaer website:  www.colyaer.com .   Welcome to LAMA, and thank you for your support.   read more...

Rotech Flight Safety Renewed

March 21st, 2014 | News

Rotech Flight Safety Inc. is a Factory Authorized  Rotax Training Organization from Vernon, British Columbia, providing standardized training for Rotax Aircraft Engines. Here is the weblink to learn more:  http://flightsafety.ca/    Thanks Mark, for your continued support as a LAMA Member since 2010. read more...

Sun n Fun 2014 LAMA LSA Mall

March 17th, 2014 | News

  Aviators Hotline will provide the LAMA tent and an opening night reception from 5:00-7:00, for all the Paradise City participants and other LSA Professionals.  Rotax/BRP will again sponsor two 6 passenger golf carts to shuttle Sun n Fun attendees from the front gate to Paradise City on an... read more...

Airdraft Spruce and Specialty Company Renewed.

December 19th, 2013 | News

Aviation supplier, Aircraft Spruce and Specialty Company renewed their LAMA membership today.  The organization, based in Corona CA, supplies just about everything for planes and for pilots.  They have been a long time supporter of LAMA. Hey, need a Holiday Gift for the pilot in your family? Check out... read more...

Hansen Air Group renewed today.

December 18th, 2013 | News

Our friends at Hansen Air Group, Kennesaw, GA.,  renewed their LAMA Membership today.  Jon and Ron Hansen, and Jon’s sons, Mike and Mitch,  have been active with LAMA since the Light Sport Rule came into being.  It is a true aviation loving family. All of the Hansen’s are current... read more...

Vickers Aircraft Company, LTD, Our Newest Member

December 18th, 2013 | News

Welcome to LAMA, Vickers Aircraft Company, LTD., from Hamilton New Zealand.  Paul Vickers is finishing his design for a beautiful amphibious aircraft, and has joined LAMA for support in completing his project.  You can see his concept at www.vickersaircraft.com.  Thanks for supporting LAMA, Paul. read more...

Flight Design USA Renewed today

November 13th, 2013 | News

We received the renewal check for Flight Design USA, today.  Flight Design USA is located in South Woodstock, CT, they are the US Importer for the German Flight Design GmbH. Both the parent company in Germany and the US company have been LAMA members since the early days of... read more...

Welcome: Glasair Aviation USA. LLC

November 13th, 2013 | News

We want to welcome a new LAMA Member, Glasair Aviation USA, LLC, located in  Arlington, Washington. Glasair paid via PayPal, an easy way to become a New Member or Renew your current membership. According  to their website:  “The Sportsman is the only four-place general aviation aircraft on the market... read more...

Quicksilver Aeronautics Renews LAMA membership

October 23rd, 2013 | News

The Steve Miller released “Quicksilver Girl” in 1973.  Quicksilver Aeronautics, Temecula CA started right around that time.  The first powered ultralight I ever flew was a weight shift Yamaha powered Quicksilver, so I can call myself a Quicksilver Girl.  The company has evolved greatly since then, but the classic... read more...

Sandia Aerospace, the guts of flying, has renewed.

October 4th, 2013 | News

I’m not very technical, but I know that the products that Sandia Aerospace, in Albuquerque NM are used in lots of airplanes, including Light Sport. Transponders, Encoders, AirData Computers, Cooling Fans, and other products are marketed by this company, around the world.  In 2013  at the Aircraft Electronics Association... read more...