Vashon Aircraft renews their membership!

July 31st, 2020 | News

In 2012, Dr. John Torode founded Vashon Aircraft, and designed the Ranger R7 as an affordable alternative to increasingly higher-cost light sport aircraft. Located in Woodinville, WA, near Seattle, Vashon is proud to be a US manufacturer who uses parts manufactured in the USA as well. Dr. Torode describes... read more...

LAMA welcomes back Golden Age Aeroworks!

July 23rd, 2020 | News

Golden Age Aeroworks LLC was formed in 2007 by aviation attorney Edward Leineweber as one of the original dealers for Aerolab, an Italian company. Ed has since become the owner of all rights to the Sport Camp family of kit aircraft. GAA is currently concentrating on the LoCamp kit... read more...

Sebring Airport Authority renews!

July 22nd, 2020 | News

Created in 1940 with a patriotic motive, by 1942 Hendricks Field was in full operation as a training base for pilots of the big war planes like the Flying Fortress. After the war, the City of Sebring purchased the property, and in 1967, the Sebring Airport Authority was given... read more...

Welcome back, Bye Aerospace!

July 2nd, 2020 | News

Bye Aerospace, founded in 2007 and located near Denver, CO, has some ambitious plans. Founder and CEO George Bye saw with concern the declining number of new pilots and felt that cost was one of the big problems so he decided to create an electric plane as a less-costly... read more...

Thank you TurbAero!

June 23rd, 2020 | News

The Australian company TurbAero began in 2008, when founder Dave Limmer wanted to install a 100 horsepower turbine engine in his Experimental aircraft and discovered that there wasn’t any such thing available commercially. So, he designed and built his own, successfully running his proof-of-concept engine in 2015. In 2016,... read more...

AeroJones Aviation renews!

June 15th, 2020 | News

In 2013, AeroJones Aviation, headquartered in Taiwan, came to agreement with German manufacturer and designer Flight Design to produce CTLS Light-Sport Aircraft for the Asia-Pacific region of the globe. By 2017 AeroJones won Type Design approval from China’s CAAC and by early 2019, the company achieved CAAC production certification in China.... read more...

A big thanks to DeLand Municipal Airport!

June 5th, 2020 | News

Under the guidance of Jana Filip, the DeLand Sport Aviation Showcase, held at the DeLand Municipal Airport in Florida, has become a must-attend event for those in the market for a light sport aircraft! (And who doesn’t want to escape to FL in November?!?) The airport, led by manager... read more...

Welcome back to SportairUSA!

June 3rd, 2020 | News

SportairUSA, run by Bill Canino and his team, have been LAMA supporters since 2007, and we’re pleased to once again announce the renewal of their membership! SportairUSA has been serving the aviation community since 1990 as a FAA-certified Repair Station, and is the US distributor for the Zlin Aviation... read more...

Aerotrek renews their membership!

May 18th, 2020 | News

Led by Rob Rollison in Bloomfield, Indiana, AEROTREK has continued support for the Light-Sport Aircraft and Sport Pilot kit industry by renewal of their membership. With steady sales of two models built by Aeropro in the Czech Republic, Rob imports the A220 taildragger and the A240 tricycle gear, both... read more...

Thank you Ekolot America!

April 29th, 2020 | News

The EKOLOT brand originates in Poland, where the company was formed in 1995. In 2009, Kris Siuba did his research when looking for a plane, and decided on the KR-030 Topaz from his home country. In 2017, Kris took charge of the marketing efforts in the USA with Ekolot... read more...