In just a couple of days we will be in Oshkosh, setting up the LAMA Exhibit in Hangar D, Spaces 4100-4101. The response to our mailing for participation in the LAMA slide show presentation was very, very good. Thanks to all who participated by providing monetary support, a photo... read more...
Say Welcome to two new LAMA Members: Arion Aircraft, manufacturers of the Lightning LS, from Shelbyville, TN and also Welcome to GreenWing International, Manufacturer of the E-Spyder and other electric powered models located in Upland, CA. Thanks for your support! read more...
Thanks to Larry Mednick, manufacturer of the Revo Trike for renewing your LAMA Membership. We appreciate your continued support. read more...
Welcome new Airframe Manufacturer: Rud Aero, located in Sebastian FL. Check out their website to learn what this new LAMA member has to offer to our community. read more...
This year there will not be a LAMA sponsored LSA Mall at AirVenture in Oshkosh. However LAMA is exhibiting in Hangar D where we have a 20’x10′ space reserved (Spaces are numbered: #4100 & 4101) . The hangars at AirVenture get alot of traffic, so we thought we’d reach... read more...
If you don’t see your company’s name on the Member List, it’s because you haven’t renewed within the last year. I try to send out notices before your annual membership is due, but sometimes I don’t get a response. If you want to be on the “good” list, please... read more...
Dan Johnson, LAMA President, is at AERO Friedrichshaufen, Germany this week to attend the Expo. He will be conducting a forum with industry leaders on Saturday April 27th. Also presenting will be Jan Fridrich, from LAMA Europe. They will discuss the state of the industry and take questions from... read more...
Thank you to all of the participants in the LAMA LSA Mall at Sun’n’Fun. There was a lot of enthusiasm in Paradise City this year, and the access to flying most of the day made it a really fun place to be. read more...
Welcome to the new LAMA website. We just went Live on April 8th, 2013, so there will be a few items left to clean up, but we hope you enjoy the new, fresh format. Thank you for visiting. Please contact if you want to become a member or... read more...
FINAL 5Jan13 SNF Paradise City Layout – Download a PDF New for 2013 Sun’n’Fun is a complete re-do of Paradise City, also known as the Light Plane Area. The LAMA LSA Mall has relocated to Paradise City for 2013, and the possibility of flying from the improved grass strip has... read more...