The Airplane Factory (Sling LSA) renewed

February 29th, 2016 | News

One of my very favorite aviation videos is a travel log called “South to South”, which tells the story of 2 hang glider/trike pilots who fly from Buenos Aries, Argentina to Cape Town, South Africa.  It is a beautifully captured journey of discovery and adventure,  including great music. I highly recommend watching it,  even to people who are not aviators.  What does this have to do with LAMA?  One of the pilots in the film is a gentleman named Mike Blyth, who is the founding partner in The Airplane Factory in South Africa,  who has a North American distributor in Torrance California ( . The President of the US distribution house is Matt Liknaitzky.  The aircraft models that The Airplane Factory sells are the  Sling 2 and the recently introduced Sling 4.  These aircraft can be purchased factory built or in kit form. It is Matt who deserves the THANK YOU in this post, for renewing your LAMA Membership. The Airplane Factory joined LAMA in 2012. Thanks for your support.
