Thank you, Super Petrel USA!
In 2014 when the first Super Petrel LS was granted the S-LSA approval, plans began for the new design aircraft, the XP. Two years into the designing, Rotax introduced the 915iS engine to all OEM aircraft manufacturers. The timing was perfect, and Scoda Aeronautica began designing the new XP aircraft around that new 915iS fuel injected turbo charged engine.
So, what are they doing today? Selling the new XP aircraft. They have many orders for the new aircraft currently. Once the demonstration flights begin, they are confident the XP sales will increase. If you are interested in this fantastic aircraft, contact and they would be pleased to start a dialog and send you a purchase agreement to review.
You can also learn more on their website:
Thank you, Roger Helton and your team, for your continued support of LAMA!