LAMA Indoor Exhibit

Smaller than the LSA Mall, but we told alot of people about Sport Aircraft and LAMA at our Hangar D Exhibit at AirVenture 2013
We are back from AirVenture 2013, where the weather was beautiful, and the crowds were all happy, including the LAMA volunteers who took turns in the inside exhibit this year. Thanks to Jana and Gary Filip from the Sebring Sport Expo in Sebring FL, Chris Collins from the Midwest LSA Expo in Mt. Vernon, IL., Gregg Ellsworth, LAMA volunteer, and Roy Beiswienger & Cliff Tucker from Powered Sport Flying Magazine who took turns looking after the booth when Dan or I could not be there. Also I want to again thank all of the sponsors of the LAMA Exhibit, especially AviatorsHotline staff and management who funded the booth space for LAMA. Please support AviatorsHotline with your ad dollars.
It was weird to be inside, but I certainly reached out to some new people this year. We attracted alot of attention with the 3D images in the display case. We had a couple of airplanes flying around in there, thanks to Sky Arrow and Flight Design who provided CAD drawings to the production company who created the media and loaned LAMA the display case. Everyone who stopped was greeted and told about LAMA and light sport aircraft, We gave away alot of candy and magazines and talked up all the LSA events where customers and potential new pilots could learn more about Light Sport.
I’d like to hear from anyone who reads this who stopped by the booth. What did you think, and what could we do better next time? email me at