Bill Canino wins LAMA President’s Award for 2013

August 12th, 2013 | News

Congratulations to this year’s LAMA Presidents Award winner, Bill Canino of SportAirUSA.  You can read what is inscribed on the plaque,  if you continue below the photo posted.  The oblisk in the  photo stays on perminent display at the EAA Museum. Inscribed on it are the names of the past recipients of the award.

2013 is the 23rd year of this award, selected by popular vote, to a person who has contributed, unselfishly, to the success of Sport Aviation and the Light Aircraft Manufacturers Association


Bill Canino is a dedicated leader of the Light-Sport Aircraft industry.  His practical business experience, entrepreneurial skills and military aviation established SportairUSA.

SportairUSA ranks in the top 10 distributors of the Light-Sport industry in certification, sales, distribution and airworthiness support.

“Fly Safe, Fly Fun!”- the motto of SportairUSA – captures Bill’s approach to aviation, and is his way of promoting the joy and well-being of flying.

Bill is a technical consultant to aircraft manufacturers in Czech Republic, Great Britain, Italy, Germany, Brazil, Columbia and New Zealand, bringing new aircraft designs to the American market.

He is an EAA Flight Advisor and Technical Counselor, an FAA Designated  Airworthiness Representative, and serves on three ASTM aviation standards committees.

The Light Aircraft Manufacturers Association is pleased to present to Bill Canino the LAMA President’s Award for Outstanding Aviation Individual for 2013.
